Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a free HelloHue printable for you!

I've really missed making and sharing my artwork with you guys over the past few months. It was tough for me to close up shop, not knowing when I might be able to get back into painting again. I love having that creative outlet and art is such a part of who I am. It makes me feel like 'me'.

I shared in this post about how I was sketching to keep my creative juices flowing during this hiatus and I've also been playing around with digital art as I start to put Si's nursery together. 

Soooo...all that being said,  I thought I'd share my very first free printable with you tonight! :) I've been wanting to share printables forever because I love spreading the ooey-gooey art love and I think it's a great way to thank my beautiful readers and friends for your continued support.

In honor of the Little Things link-up starting back up, I made this sweet print as a reminder to soak up those little things throughout the week!

To download and print this guy, click here. You may have to play around with the percentages on your printer to get it the size you'd like. I am a total noob at this stuff, so bear with me on the technicalities. If you ask me about resizing and whatnot, I may not know the answer. But hopefully I'll learn these things so I can share more pretty printables for your home.

Please let me know if you print this off and use it in your home-- that would make me the happiest ever!  And please remember to link back and give credit-- this print is for personal use only. :)


oh baby:: 34 weeks!

wanna hang out next month?