Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 34 weeks!

Wowza. 34 weeks! There were many points early on in this pregnancy when I feared I'd never get this far. God is most definitely SO good and I'm feeling more and more blessed each day I get to feel this little boy wriggling inside of me.

Things are getting pretty real over here. In two weeks I'll be full term, but I technically could have him any day. Freaks me out just a wee bit. We have so much to get done before he arrives, so I won't mind if he cooks in there a little bit longer. (but not too long, okay, Si??)

Things didn't work out for us to take that accelerated Bradley class, so I ordered the above book to glean some wisdom. I'm liking it a lot so far. Lots of naked lady pictures and I'm not sure about the idea that birth is, or can be "painless", but it's not as hokey as many books I've read.

I've been thinking a lot about birth lately. I've always said that I'd ask for an epidural as soon as possible and  happily go the way of medicated labor. But after getting pregnant and starting to read a bit, I thought I might like to try this natural labor thing. The thing is, I don't get why people are so hung up on "this is the best way to birth" or "this is the right way". If there's a healthy mama and baby at the end of it all, isn't THAT a successful labor/birth? So, I'm doing my research, making a list of preferences, but definitely staying away from a birth plan. For me, I see no need to get hung up on doing it a certain way, because if Silas is anything like his father, I'm sure he stubbornly has his own plan anyway.

 I'm actually excited to go through this with Chris. He's such a good teacher and coach in so many ways, I think he will be a magnificent encourager for me through labor.

In other news::

I'm perfecting the pregnant waddle. It's pretty comical.

I was told at our last ultrasound that Si has lots of hair! Question is-- is it dark like mine or light like Chris'??

Apparently I'm on the verge of gestational diabetes. Ugh. So, I've been working hard at limiting my carbs/sugars. I never realized how many carbs I eat in one day until now!


it's the little things:: lost socks and fizzy root beer

a free HelloHue printable for you!