Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

it's the little things:: sunflowers and strawberries

Happy Friday! Anyone else discombobulated from this strange week? I don't even go to work and it feels like it should be Wednesday to me. But hey, I'll take a Friday any day! 

Here are some little things making me smile today. 

A happy bouquet of bright sunflowers on my kitchen table. The first bouquet to grace our home! I love getting fresh flowers for the house, but I hate cutting them down and arranging them. They always seem a bit scraggly to me. 

I'm completely obsessed with strawberries lately. I've been gobbling them down on a daily basis. In fact, I'm loving all the fresh fruit of summer-- juicy nectarines, sweet cantaloupe, plump blueberries. Yum. 

I've been eyeing this bright yellow laptop table at World Market for awhile now. It was on clearance and yesterday was down from $50 to $16! It's not really the right color for our living room (a little too bold to go with my soft yellow ceiling medallions), so I figure I might spray paint it in the future. But for now, it's happy hue makes me smile. 

Little things not pictured:: 

Getting an entire day and half with Chris in the middle of the week! We actually stayed inside the whole day of the 4th, but had friends over and celebrated in the air conditioning! :) 

Soft baby blankets came in the mail. I can't wait to wrap Si in them and kiss his cheeks. 

Seeing Chris kiss my belly and almost exploding with anticipation of having our baby here in our arms. 

So what about you? What little blessings made you smile this week?

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4.  Please make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 


oh baby:: 35 weeks!