Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 35 weeks!

So, what's it like to be 35 weeks pregnant in July in Florida? Um, it's kind of miserable. I've been doing my best to stay in the air conditioning because as soon as I walk outside into the heavy, hot air, I feel the energy (whatever little bit I have!) drain right out.

We've been spending many evenings at our community pool, which is about 20 steps from our front door-- convenient to say the least. It feels so good to be weightless in the cool water, but it's torture to walk up those steps and feel all that weight settle back on. 

I've got stretch marks galore all over my big 'ol belly. No amount of Palmer's Tummy Butter was going to keep these babies away. 

The days of this pregnancy are dwindling away and I'm starting to get a bit more anxious. Not necessarily about the birth, but I think the reality of bringing our baby into our new home with few friends and no family is weighing on me a lot. Maybe it's the family holiday yesterday when we had no family, but my heart is sad thinking about being so far from all our loved ones. We're super excited to have family and friends come visit in the months after Si's arrival!

Speaking of his arrival -- I'm starting to plan out our hospital bag. Wanna help a girl out? What are a few essentials I should definitely pack in my bag? Did you pack your own gown, or wear the hospital's? A few things already on my list are chapstick, my camera, chargers for camera and phone, and some sort of slippers and a robe for walking around in.  I'd love to hear what worked for you!


it's the little things:: sunflowers and strawberries

just call me mama bird.