Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

La Sardina camera giveaway from Lomography!

One of the things I love about film photography is the factor of the unknown. I love the throwback to the days before instant gratification and the sacredness that each photo has when you only get one shot. Of course, sometimes that can lead to disappointment when things don't turn out as expected. But I think that's the beauty of film photography and I for one am up for the challenge. 

Are you up for the challenge? I shared my review of the La Sardina camera from Lomography earlier today. Make sure to click over to see my colorful photos and read my experience and then pop back here to enter to win a La Sardina! 

The La Sardina camera is an analogue film camera from Lomography. It features a 22mm wide angle lens (really fun to shoot with!), 2 focus settings and a detachable flash too! It uses 35mm film which is easy to find in any convenience store! The Orinoco Ochre model comes in a super funky orange reptile-inspired case. You can see more details about the camera here. 

First of all, if you are a photography lover, you may want to sign up for a Lomography account. You can upload and share your photos, earn points towards shop credit and receive the latest promotions and news. AND HelloHue  readers will receive $10 online store credit when you register with this link! 

Ready to enter already??

To enter, leave a comment below and tell me what you love about photography. Do you like the challenge of finding a new perspective? Does it make you giddy to stop and capture a moment in time? Tell me about it! 

Additional, optional entries:: 

Sign up for the Lomography Newsletter! Leave a separate comment here telling me you did so. 

'Like' Lomography on Facebook. Leave a separate comment here telling me you did so. 

And that's that! Giveaway ends next Tuesday, July 24th and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, the 25th. 


oh baby:: 37 weeks!

Why my La Sardina camera reminds me of my little brother.