Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 37 weeks!

37 weeks and I... 

... "can't" do the dishes anymore because my belly won't let me reach the faucet. 

... still battle that heartburn. Thankful for strong prescriptions that keep it at bay for the most part.

... pee about 30 times a day. 

... am quite tired of this baby punching me 'down there'. I think The Bump accurately dubbed it "lightening crotch"

... need to hang just a few more things in the nursery before it's all ready! 

... am dying in anticipation of Si's arrival. 

... don't get what's so difficult about the name Silas. People give us funny looks whenever we share his name. (We've had several people think we're saying Silence. Yeah, that's a great name for a baby...)

... haven't felt a single contraction, real or false, that I know of. 

... had ice cream for breakfast, because why the heck not? 

... also have enjoyed a few glasses of wine this week, for the same reason. 

I think that as the big day approaches, I'm more anxious about the recovery/post-partum stage than the birth itself. I'm actually really looking forward to experiencing birth, in whatever manner it happens. But the horror stories I've heard about recovery freak me out. I wonder if I'll be myself. I wonder if I can manage it with Chris' crazy work schedule. I wonder how breast-feeding will work out. I'm so thankful that my mama will be able to spend some time here with us right after Si's birth. As a mama to seven (perfect ;) kids, she will be a life-saver, I know it. 

Several times this week, Chris and I have just sat watching my belly move and shaking our heads in disbelief that this Silas we've grown to love will be in our arms soon. It makes me giddy to see how excited Chris is and I am 100% convinced he's going to be a natural dad. We're soaking up our time together with little dates and quiet moments. I don't really think anything can prepare us for how different things will be on "the flip side", but after 3 beautiful years as just the two of us in marriage, we're so ready to become three. 



La Sardina camera giveaway from Lomography!