Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 39 weeks!

Well, I don't have much new to share over here. We're kind of just playing the waiting game now! According to my docs, I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow. I've got two weeks to get this little boy out before they want to induce me. While our "birth plan" is super flexible (ie. have the baby...),  I would really rather not be induced, so I'm praying that my body kicks into gear soon and starts working towards getting Silas in my arms. Either way, we get to meet Si in two weeks-- how crazy is that?!

I'm doing my best to keep the anxiety at bay. Not so much that I'm nervous, but it's tough having no idea how all this will go down. It's a big lesson in trusting in God's timing as well as His perfect plan for me, Chris and Si. I find it interesting that that lesson has come full circle-- from waiting on His timing for us to get pregnant and now, we are waiting to meet our son soon. God is good and I have no doubts of that.

At the moment, Si has the hiccups (while cute, also kind of drives me crazy!) and my belly is ridiculously itchy (I'm thinking PUPPS... We'll see what my midwife says later today). I'm actually sleeping pretty well this week, which I'm thankful for and trying my best to keep my feet up because otherwise they turn into giant Shrek feet.

Maybe next Thursday, instead of a bump update, I'll introduce you to my son. Wouldn't that be nice?


it's the little things:: lizards and turquoise toes

hooray for august!