Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

it's the little things:: lizards and turquoise toes

There's so much big stuff going on this week as we wait for Si, it's been refreshing for me to think about the little, every day things that make me smile. I'm constantly amazed at the way God continues to bless us, not only in major ways, but through the seemingly mundane too. 

I got my hair cut two weeks ago and haven't been really happy with it. I called my salon and asked if they would be willing to fix it for me. Not only am I super excited about my improved trim, but the stylist who cut my hair was an adorable girl from Moldova, who I know I'll be going back to often! A haircut that finally feels like me + a new favorite stylist = big smiles over here. 

We have two adirondack chairs that sit outside our front windows. If the heat and humidity ever subside, I'm sure we'll spend many a night watching the sunset from these chairs, but until then, the little lizards (I think they're called anoles?) get pretty good use out of them. It makes me giggle a little to see them perched on the chairs, just chilling. 

I can't reach these toes anymore and I was hankering for some pampering so I went for a pedicure last week. I opted for a bold turquoise shade in honor of my little boy. Also, this is the least swollen my feet have been all week. Hallelujah! 

Those are just a few of the things that have been keeping me smiling as we wait for Si. What are the little ways you've been blessed this week? Link up your posts below! 

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4.  Please make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 

lessons in waiting.

oh baby:: 39 weeks!