Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

lessons in waiting.

Yes, friends, I'm still pregnant. Very much so. My first due date (the one my midwife is going off of) was last Friday and the one that I've been looking forward to since December was yesterday. I'm not surprised that he hasn't made his arrival yet-- I think he must be stubborn like his dad. And he's definitely feeling comfy in there.

We went walking at the state park last night and the weather was so lovely. We saw two gators and almost stepped on a baby snake (Chris said it was poisonous-- maybe a water moccasin?). We strolled down the pier (amidst lots of toothless men getting their fishing on) and watched the sunset, which was breathtaking.

Who knows how many more of those we'll have without Si in our arms?!

I've been taking it easy this week-- keeping my feet up, watching Olympics, going for morning swims in our community pool. We did a few more last minute baby projects over the weekend including setting the pack-n-play bassinet up next to the bed and installing the car seat base in the car. Nothing left to do but wait now. 

Oh, and eat my fill of Oreos before I lose the "pregnancy cravings" excuse. 

I know I said it before, but waiting for this baby is definitely a lesson in God's perfect timing and His perfect plan for us. I think Chris may be just as impatient as I am. He told me the other day, "You know, this is actually harder for me than for you. You've gotten to hold him for 9 months and I haven't even been able to hold him yet!" 



oh baby:: 40 weeks!!

it's the little things:: lizards and turquoise toes