Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 40 weeks!!

Cannot believe I just typed "4-0" in the title up there. With our induction date scheduled for next Saturday, we have less than 9 days until we meet Si! We're praying that he decides to come on his own before then, and would love for you to join us in those prayers! 

I've had pretty constant, irregular Braxton Hicks since last night and I'm really hoping they decide to turn into the real deal today. 

Last week, I put together this collage of my bump photos and was hoping I wouldn't have to add a 40 week photo, but here we are! It's so fun to see how my belly has grown and looking back, I can't believe that I felt so huge in some of those earlier photos! 

People keep asking me if I'm miserable and honestly, I'm not. I'm uncomfortable, itchy, hot and tired, but I just can't help being overwhelmingly excited and thankful. A year ago, I was yearning for a baby belly and wondering when my turn would be-- if ever. So no, I'm not miserable, just grateful to be so blessed and a bit flabbergasted that I'm going to be a mama in a week or so! 

happy birthday to our sweet Silas Kai!

lessons in waiting.