Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

honest thoughts on being content

I don't even know how to begin writing about the things on my heart lately.

I'm in a major funk.

I miss our home in Hawaii more than I even thought I would. I miss our friends there and the life we built there. I miss being excited about going to church. 

I miss painting. I miss being creative-- having the time, energy and inspiration for artwork. I honestly thought I'd have opened my shop back up by now, but I haven't picked up a paintbrush. 

I miss having great blog posts-- feeling excited to share things with you! I'm bored by my own blog some days.

I miss feeling relevant in the lives of those around me-- both in real life and online.

I get that most of this is "normal" for a new mom. My life has changed dramatically in the past few months and I understood even before Silas arrived that I'd probably go through some of this. And I totally get that it's just a season.

But those realizations don't dull the ache that rises in my heart when I wish I could introduce Si to our Hawaii ohana, or when I see my blog/artist friends coming up with fabulous new ideas and I'm a dry well over here. They don't keep me from wishing away our short time here in Florida.

I'm willing my heart to be content. I'm praying that I won't miss the blessings and opportunities that God has placed around me here and now. I'm praying that in this time where I'm figuring out this new identity and place in life, I'll remember that I'm a daughter of the Risen King and I'm relevant and loved by Him in bigger ways than I can even imagine here on earth.

These are things I have to do daily because gosh, it's hard somedays over here.

(Oh, and meanwhile, I'm also praying that we'll somehow find $1,000+ in the budget to go back to visit our Oahu home soon. Hey, you never know!)

Thoughts? Have you ever had to move away from a beloved home? Have you felt that identity shift after becoming a new mama? How have you dealt with a creative dry spell?

donuts on the beach.

oh baby:: two months!