Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: two months!

I'm amazed at how much this kiddo has changed in two months. 

He has smiles for me almost all day and loves talking to the ceiling fan in our bedroom like it's his best friend in the world. 

He sucks on his fists--sometimes hilariously loudly! We were walking around Target the other night and I swear you could hear him across the store. 

The gummy grin on his face when he recognizes Chris in the afternoons is priceless. 

He often gets very fussy in the evenings, but baths, the Moby wrap and lots of bouncing usually do the trick to chill him out. 

He had a sad case of baby acne all last month, which kindly showed up after his one month pictures and left before his two month pictures. :)

He wakes up about once in the night now, is outgrowing his swaddlers and usually kicks them off at some point in the night. 

I put away his newborn clothing yesterday, which he outgrew awhile ago. It was bittersweet-- so weird that he will never wear those tiny clothes again, but gosh, it's fun to see him grow! 

He took his first roadtrip with us last weekend to St. Augustine and to see our best friends and their sweet family. He did great and I can't wait for more travel with this little guy. 

I have to admit, in the early days, there were moments of "WHAT did we do? Is our life always going to be this exhausting?" But now I can't imagine our family without Silas. 

honest thoughts on being content

my favorite baby products