Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Carseat SideKick giveaway!

You know what's really awesome? Having a problem and then someone emails you about a product that completely makes that problem irrelevant. And then they want to send you that product to try it out! 

This happened last month. Chris and I were continuously frustrated with the straps in Silas' carseat. When we'd go to put him in, the straps would be trapped under his little body and the ensuing attempt to strap him in would make us all a little crazy.

This is where Carseat Sidekick comes in and saves the day! This genius device uses magnets to hold the straps out while you place your little one in the carseat. It's simple, affordable and incredibly helpful. Check out their product video here to learn more about how the Carseat Sidekick works. 

Chris and I love our CarSeat Sidekick. It's made getting Silas ready to go so much easier. He doesn't fuss as much when we put him in and the process goes a lot faster too. I love the patterns and color choices they offer. 

The awesome people at Carseat Sidekick are offering to give away TWO of their Sidekicks today-- one green and one pink! 

I know you will love this product, so I'm super excited about this giveaway! See how to enter below!

Mandatory entry::

Leave a comment below and tell me about a favorite roadtrip or roadtrip you'd love to take with your little one! Also, tell me which color you would choose! 

*Please make sure your email is either in the comment or accessible through your username.**

Additional entry:

Like CarSeat Sidekick on Facebook!

I'll randomly choose TWO winners next Monday, November 26th! 

(Can't wait for the giveaway to end? Check out the promo code on Hello Hue sidebar for 20% off!)

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it's the little things linkup!