Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

my five tips for postpartum style

cowl:: H+M
peacoat:: Forever21
diver helmet necklace:: UE Jewelry
top:: Lauren Conrad for Kohl's
jeans:: Forever21
flats:: RocketDog

I'm finally back, guys. Ready to jump back in to style posts after a 3 month break. Not really an intentional break, but I'm just starting to get comfortable in my after-baby body. I'm slowly figuring out how to dress and still feel like 'me' and not just a frumpy mom. Silas is totally worth the changes in my bod, but becoming a mom doesn't mean having to lose my style too. 

Today I want to share a few tips that have helped me to feel stylish while still getting used to this new body and role as a nursing mama. 

{Accentuate your best parts} Highlight the body parts that make you feel good. About 10 days after Silas arrived, my legs and feet finally rid themselves of their marshmallow status. I just about wanted to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. Skinny jeans help accentuate the part of my body I feel best about. 

{Check your baggy} I think it's tempting to wear really baggy clothes to hide the flabby tummy and other new after-baby developments. But too baggy can just look sloppy. A flowy and loose shirt like the one I'm wearing above hides the flub, but doesn't sacrifice style. 

{Don't be afraid of the Spanx} I love my Spanx. They help define the waist that still hasn't fully returned and give me confidence in the form-fitting clothes I tend to stray from lately. I don't find anything wrong with smoothing out the bumps with Spanx, as long as you let it all hang out at home. ;)

{Happy it up}  Ultimately, it's about feeling great in the clothes you are wearing, even if your body isn't where you want it to be. For me, that means adding bright colors and sweet details in my outfits. Turquoise is one of my go-to happy colors and the bow on the back of my shirt has been making me smile all week. On days I feel frumpy, a bright color, fun pattern or favorite piece of jewelry does the trick to make me feel great. 

{If all else fails, grab some lipstick}  My favorite shade these days is Clinique's Chubby Stick in Chunky Cherry. Lipstick can save pretty much any outfit. 

Got any go-to tips for feeling fabulous in your clothes after baby?

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