Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a change of pace for the little things linkup.

I briefly mentioned in a few other posts that I feel called to live more intentionally this year. I want to put more effort into the things that matter - mainly relationships both online and off, as well as being intentional with how I spend my time. Sometimes this means working harder at something and sometimes it means cutting back. 

Last month, I switched over to PassionFruit Ads, which is helping me to manage my sponsorships in a more efficient manner and frees up time to blog and work on online relationships. 

And today, I'm calling an end to the Little Things link-up. 

Sort of. 

I began my Little Things posts three years ago, almost exactly. I started writing them because Chris was deployed and I needed a reminder that I had a lot of things to smile about during the week. It has helped my outlook on my days tremendously, both in tough times and good. 

Last year, I decided to open up my Little Things posts and start a link-up party. I've been blessed by so many of you joining in with me almost every week and sharing the small things that made you smile. But some week I find myself feeling obligated to post a Little Things link-up each week, when honestly, my heart isn't in it. I love to share those little things with you, but I need to pare down a bit. 

So, I won't be posting any more Little Things linkups. But I still plan on taking out my DSLR and documenting my own little things here on the blog and I hope you'll do the same on your blog. 


I'm not simply canceling my Little Things link-up. I guess you could say I'm moving it to Instagram. 

From now on, use the hashtag #soakupthelittlethings any day of the week to share the little things through your days that make you smile. Check out the other photos marked with this hashtag to find new friends and share in the joy. I'll be on there sharing my little things (you can find me under the username lindsay_hellohue!) 

Alright, now I've got to go grab some breakfast and try to get my wound-up baby to nap. Have a great weekend, friends! See ya on Instagram! 

*sniffle sniffle cough cough*

my little valentine.