Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

10 things.

glasses:: {c/o firmoo}
skirt:: {american eagle}
bracelet {31 bits}
shoes:: {c/o blowfish shoes}

Just a short list of things going through my noggin at the moment. Life is a bit disjointed lately, and so are my thoughts.

1. These glasses make me look like a bit of a dork. And I kind of like it. 

2. Olive green is quickly becoming a new color obsession.

3. Sunshine and warm air makes for a happy Lindsay. Probably a happy world, I'm guessing. 

4. We're headed into 3 or 4 more weeks of hotel living in Boston and I'm dreading it. 

5. We may never do an overnight sailing trip again, but the one we took last week was amazing. 

6. On a related note, Silas loves sailing but is not a fan of sleeping on boats. 

7. My sister makes a beautiful bride and I can't wait to share wedding details here. 

8. Giving a matron of honor toast is nerve-wracking and I'm glad that's over. 

9. Date nights thanks to our parents are priceless. (And paying for $10 popcorn is worth it, I say!) 

10. I'm hitting publish on this post and taking a flying leap into my bed for naptime. 


silas at {almost} 10 months

four years!