Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

four years!

Four years ago today, I married that guy in the blue striped tee. Later today I get to walk down that same wedding aisle at the Naval Academy Chapel as we rehearse for my sister's wedding in a few days. Some days I still get butterflies when I look at him, and having been through two deployments, many separations, countless arguments, and traveling adventures galore, I love that I can genuinely call him my best friend. God has blessed us richly. We're pretty lucky that we got the cutest darn kid to raise, too. 

glasses:: {c/o firmoo}
necklace:: {gift from amy cornwell}
dress:: {target}
lace vest:: {simply audrey}
shoes:: {reflects c/o blowfish shoes}

Speaking of lovey-dovey stuff, I loved reading this article from Huffington Post (originally written by Lydia Netzer) entitled 15 Ways to Stay Married 15 Years. The tips are a bit out of the ordinary but I found myself nodding my head to most of them! 

On a less mushy note, like most Blowfish Shoes I've received, these Reflects are my new favorites. Casual enough to run around with a kid in tow, comfortable enough to do it all day, and in my opinion, cute enough to wear with a dress. I definitely related to this post from Sarah at Frills for Thrills about how her style has changed since becoming a mom!

10 things.

bits of life lately.