Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

celebrating a year.

I promise this will be the last post about Silas' birthday. It's been an overwhelming theme in my head this past week -- my baby is turning one, my baby is turning one! It was a perfectly relaxed day-- waffles for breakfast, beach in the afternoon, and of course, a smash cake and a few presents. Chris and I even got to sneak off for a 'survival celebration' date night (thanks Mom and Dad!) , and I may have eaten several pounds of butter at the French restaurant we found.

I hope I look back at this post in the future when I'm debating whether or not to throw a party. Of all my siblings, my mom calls me her 'party girl.' Any excuse to celebrate. But I think that the blogging world has made me highly sensitive to things like the amount of stripey straws on the table, the Instagram-ability of the favors and so forth. Not everything needs to be a production. Instead of worrying about getting the right pictures for the blog, I was really able to celebrate the past year with Silas and gosh, that was refreshing.

Oh, and the little man took his first TWO steps yesterday! In the middle of a raging temper tantrum, he got enough fire in his belly to walk towards me. Lots of whooping and hollering and cracking up at his poor little angry self. We love you, Silas Kai!

three reasons to try the knotted tee trend.

cannoli belly.