Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

cannoli belly.

earrings:: {lisa leonard}
top:: {nordstrom rack}
skirt:: {american eagle}
booties:: {c/o blowfish shoes}

Last Friday, we walked every square inch of the city of Boston. Ok, maybe not quite, but that's what my legs were convinced of this weekend. We actually did most of the Freedom Trail with my parents. I think the best part of walking the city is studying the details of all the impressive architecture.  It's seriously one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. We are loving Boston and all the richness of living here.  Speaking of richness, cannolis aren't an official stop on the trail, but we made a detour anyway. Anything for a cannoli (and you thought my flowy top was just an afterthought!) 

I know I've worn this skirt more than a couple times lately, but it's become a staple. The perfect piece when I don't want to wear shorts but a dressy skirt is a little too much. I've styled it here and here recently. 

PS. I've got a few new sponsors over there on the left! They have some really beautiful products to offer -- check them out! 

PPS. Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes for Silas. We had an almost perfect day on Saturday and I'll definitely be sharing a few pictures later this week. Can't believe I'm a mom to a one-year old. 

celebrating a year.

happy birthday, baby boy!