Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

happy birthday, baby boy!

I know that there aren't many people that really care about Silas' birthday like I do. Chris even has rolled his eyes a few times as I've exclaimed lots of mushy sentiments this week. But it's been a big year. Tomorrow's celebration will be just as much about celebrating this little boy as it is a big 'hoorah!' to surviving the first year of motherhood. This past year has brought more joy to my life and has taught me more than any other year in my life thus far. I've learned to let things go when it just doesn't matter, to trust my instincts, to care for a human being and love deeper than I thought was possible. This first year of mamahood has seen countless tears (mine and Silas'), many triumphs (he's finally sleeping through the night!) and lessons about not comparing myself and leaning on God's strength. I've struggled through in finding my identity as a mama, wife and artist, and I've discovered the sheer joy of open mouth baby kisses and watching my son (my son!) learn about the world around him. 

Right now I'm just thankful to have my feet up and a steaming mug of coffee in my hand instead of enduring 30 hours of labor like last year at this time! Tomorrow Silas turns one and we're going to spend the day at the beach, eating all the blueberries in the world, and there might even be a confetti cake in there somewhere too. 

cannoli belly.

good words from winnie the pooh.