Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

breaking news.

glasses:: {c/o firmoo}
blazer:: o'neill (similar)
navy blue fleece lined tights:: {francesca's collections}
boots:: {rack room shoes}
ring:: {charlotte russe}

So, remember last week when I mentioned how I wanted some fleece-lined leggings for this fall/winter? Oh-mah-gawsh, you guys. My legs are in heaven. 

On Thursday afternoon, when Chris got home from school, I threw Silas at him and booked it out the door. Turned up the radio (NPR, my friends, that's my jam.) and actually made it to the mall without the GPS for the first time ( if you're in the military or move a lot--you know that's a big deal). As soon as I stepped foot in the mall, I breathed in the soft-pretzel-new shoes-fake plants aroma and basically heard the sound of angels singing. Something about being in the mall by myself, sans stroller, made me want to do a jig. I almost grabbed the shoulder of the stranger standing behind on the escalator and exclaimed, "No baby! No baby! I can go wherever I want!" 

Long story short, I bought two pairs of fleece-lined tights and a pair of fleece-lined leggings and they are oh-so-soft and may not leave my body until May. 

Hello Hue, covering only the most important topics on the blogosphere. 

sometimes i just need a little sunshine.
