Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


I know I just did a pretty link heavy post yesterday, but I have just a few more fun things to share today. If you're in a 'clicking around the internet' mood today-- this post's for you. You might find some new friends and you'll definitely find some creative inspiration.

image from my post over on Annie's blog today!

We just bought this rug for our living room from SchoolHouse Electric a few weeks ago and it should arrive Monday. I feel like I'm going on a blind date-- giddy and nervous at the same time. I hope we're a good match!

I recently got the sweetest email from Katie, and she mentioned her new Etsy shop. Isn't it simply gorgeous, you guys? I want all the things. 

When I met sweet Annie at Influence, she asked me to be a part of her Passionate Faith series. I'm honored to be on her blog today talking about my faith and creativity. 

I loved this post by Merrick on 10 ways to wear ankle boots. 

Simply dying over Heather's new box paintings. The details!! The colors!!

Your heart will leap out of your chest at the beauty of these engagement pictures by Yes Dear Studio. The surfer dude is Chris' best buddy and we're so excited that he's found such a sweet girl and wife-to-be in Kelsey. 

Happy Friday! This weekend, we're excited to be staying home, enjoying the autumn chill and inviting friends over for pizzas on the grill and a firepit! 

breaking news.

my winter wardrobe essentials.