Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

just a blog post.

It's been a long time since I've written a blog post just for the sake of writing. I was reading over some old posts recently and that always gets me nostalgic. For the days when there was real community in the comments section, for the posts when I wrote about really dumb details about my days and when blogging was simpler. For the times when I didn't care if my pictures were perfect, or if my writing was funny enough. I just posted to share and to remember.

I'd love to get back to writing again. About the everyday stuff. Those are the posts I love to re-read years later. I miss that. 

So here goes. Nothing fancy, just a blog post. 

Last Monday night, we were at a friends' house and Silas fell and bit his tongue. Mouth wounds bleed a lot, and even though I know that-- every time he busts a lip or something, I panic just a little. We determined that we didn't need a hospital trip, but boy, that was a rough night. He screamed in pain for about an hour before going to sleep that night and it broke my heart. With a tongue wound, there's really nothing you can do, and I felt so helpless. He was a wreck all week, which meant, so was I. By Friday, his smile returned and I could tell he was feeling better. Thankfully, it seems to be healing really well, but of course, now he's come down with a cold and he's still working on those four molars. Poor kid can't catch a break. 

Let's pray that we're getting all the bloody incidents and snotty sicknesses out of the way for our Hawaii trip next week. We'll be flying to San Diego to spend a few days with my little sister before hopping over to Oahu for Christmas with Chris' family. The sun, island breezes, and waves are calling my name. I've been hanging out with Jillian Michaels the past few weeks. Not so much because I want a bikini-body again (let's face it, not gonna happen.), but gosh, I miss surfing and at this point, I have my doubts about being able to even carry my board down the beach, much less paddle out and catch a wave. I have dim hopes that a few workouts with Jillian will buy me a wave or two.

PS. Any toddler flying tips you want to share would be awesome. I'm skeered. 

Even though we're leaving next week, I convinced Chris that we should still put up a Christmas tree. Granted, it's three feet tall, (Chris wanted to go even smaller for a tree we'll enjoy for a week) which looks almost comical in our big living room. But Silas is enthralled with it, and the twinkly lights in the corner wake up my inner child. Right now, out the window behind the tree, I can see snow falling. Our first snow fall of the year. If it doesn't get rained on before Silas wakes up, I'll bundle him up Christmas-Story style, and we'll head out to get a closer look. My guess is, he'll either freak out, and want to go inside or want to stay out forever even though his poor old mom has icicle fingers. 

snow day.

a simple winter outfit and a link list.