Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

snow day.

I was giddy over the weekend when I peeked at my Accuweather app and saw that snow was forecasted for yesterday. Just as I was pouring my coffee and praying for Silas to sleep a tad longer, the flurries starting falling. And those big flakes fell through the whole day. Not much stuck until yesterday evening, but that didn't matter a whole lot to us.

I wish you could have seen Silas when I took him to his bedroom window to see the snow falling. It took him a minute to figure out what I was trying to get him to look at, but then for the next six hours, he made me hold him up to every single window to get a look at that 'no. For half the morning, I thought he was just being ornery and saying no to everything I did. He does that anyway, so it wasn't out of the ordinary. That is, until, I realized he was saying 'snow'. Duh. 

After his nap, we dressed up in about 14 layers, I wrestled his new boots on his little feet, and we ventured out into the cold. I mean, I consider myself to have a pretty good foothold on the wonder and awe of things, but seeing the snow through his eyes was magical, you guys. Watching his little tomato -soup-stained face light up, and the snowflakes falling on his lashes. Just about bust me open with the sweetness of the moment.

His excitement actually surprised me a little bit, considering he has a severe abhorrence of bubble baths.  He loves baths, but the bubbles freak him out a lot.

And lest you think it was all gumdrops and snowflakes out there, our little walk in the snow ended with a tantrum. Don't ask me what it was about-- I don't pretend to understand the toddler mind. He recovered quickly, as usual, but let me tell you, it was really difficult to lug a mini StayPuff Marshmallow man down the street. Slippery little fellow.

my little buffalo.

just a blog post.