Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a sneak peak at hello hue studio spring 2014!

Silas took a four hour nap today, which never ever happens. It was pretty close to the 'sneak in the room to check on his breathing' stage, except that I've gotten to the point where I just appreciate the quiet and assume he's finally obeying my plea of 'take a nice long nap, now, okay??'

I got a chance to work in my studio for awhile and I'm really excited about how the winter/spring collection is coming! Rarely do I put together a large grouping of artwork to release all at once, but I've been inspired by the Pantone Spring 2014 color report, our trip to Hawaii, and my own palette, and it's been fun to create a somewhat cohesive collection. Expect to see more florals, bright colors and patterns come next Thursday (January 30th)!

Oh, and a brand new product is hitting the shop too-- brooches! Which, is just a fancy word for pins, but ya know. Pin 'em to your favorite winter scarf, stick 'em on your lapel, collect a colorful assortment on your purse. I can't wait to see how you style them! 

IIn the meantime, I'm working on retiring a few designs in the shop. Check out the "Retiring Soon" section to see which prints will be gone once they sell out! Fresh new prints will be coming in soon to take their place.

from our recipe box:: green papaya thai salad

black and white and rest all over.