Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

black and white and rest all over.

slouchie beanie:: {c/o fountaintop creations}
gingham button-down:: {old navy}
watch:: {c/o feral watches}
jeans:: {american eagle}
booties:: {target}

Since we got home last week from Hawaii, I've been hiding out in our house, barely taking a look in the mirror, definitely not wearing make-up, and enjoying the chance to ease into our normal routine. And outfits I've worn have been, like this one, incredibly simple and comfort centered. 

It's been a great way to ease into the new year-- this slow transition back to normal life. I've been seeing all kinds of posts about goals for 2014, resolutions, and the like. And admittedly, my brain has been wandering that direction a lot this week. But at the same time, I'm trying to take the month of January as a time of rest. Rest from a hectic vacation (yes that's a thing), rest from a busy blog schedule, rest from feeling like I'm not on top of things because I've only just started to think about new artwork for the shop. I can't wait for what this fresh new year will bring, but for now, I'm excited to hunker down, make lots of lists, gather supplies, and hit the ground running come February 1. 

And in fairly related news, the shop is open today! There's nothing new in there now, but I've got at least one pretty new product coming in a week or two, plus a really fun collaboration to share with you next month. 

a sneak peak at hello hue studio spring 2014!

home sweet home.