Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

monday links

I couldn't get my act together to post this on Friday, so let's start the week out with some of my favorite reads from the past week or so.

Honestly, I do most of my blog reading and link-hopping on my phone during the three minutes per day when I'm actual alone- usually while I'm peeing. I often have to escape Silas' grip while he's busy knocking down his blocks or eating dust bunnies. And if he sees me pull out my phone during a lull in Dinosaur Train, he'll be all over that. So, I'm reading less lately, which makes me a little sad, but that's another reason I love these kind of link round-ups. If you've got just a few minutes to click around today, here are some links that got the thumb up from me.

I think this post from Ashlee titled "how to support bloggers you love" is great. I have a lot of thoughts about blogging and the changes I've seen recently and I'll share those soon. But until then, Ashlee has a bunch of really great ideas for making your favorite bloggers feel loved and supported. 

Need a laugh this morning? This post featuring two brothers re-creating their childhood photos is hilarious and awkward to the max. 

I've been searching high and low for a new camera strap over the last few months. I finally gave in and indulged myself with this gorgeous Bloom Theory scarf style strap. Maybe this will be the impetus to get me to pick up my 'big' camera more often. 

I may have linked to this Thai Shrimp Salad recipe before, but I'll do it again, because, dang, it's good. Chris and I polished off two giant, flavorful and filling salads yesterday.

Just this morning, I hopped over to Jessi's blog and was so encouraged and challenged by her post about 5 ways to start taking action on a dream or goal (like starting a handmade shop!). Even three years into my own shop, I have dreams and goals that seem impossible to get a jumpstart on, and I love Jessi's heart and advice in this post.

What are some links that have caught your attention lately?

a hike in hawaii.

from our recipe box:: green papaya thai salad