Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

a hike in hawaii.

These are a few pictures I snapped during our sunrise hike on the first day of the year. It was almost our last day on Oahu, and this was one of the things that I most desperately wanted to cross our list. It's not the most challenging hike, and it's often crowded with running enthusiastics, tourists, and yappy dogs. But I hiked it many times over our time living there, and it is special to me. I hiked it first with a new group of friends-- the same group of friends who became our dear family over the three years we lived on the island. I hiked it while 20 weeks pregnant with Silas, and huff and puffed my way up the steep incline. And I distinctly remember hiking this path right before we left, my heart welling with all kinds of emotions-- thankful for the chance we had to call this place home.

Getting to climb Lanikai with Silas was all I hoped it would be. Chris carried him in the Ergo for the first (steep) portion, but after that, Silas was intent on doing it himself. Watching his little sneakers navigate the rocks so carefully, as he gripped his daddy's hands tight, was enough to just about burst my heart. I'm such a sappy mom, getting all sentimental over a hike. But watching my little baby act like a big adventurous boy gave me a little glimpse into all the fun we get to have with him. Many adventures await, little dude.

8 things.

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