Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

8 things.

Yesterday we went to the Children's Museum and spent $30 for Silas to play with trucks, balls, and blocks. And then, we bought a year-long membership. We might be suckers, but it's not looking like winter is ending anytime soon, and I have a feeling we'll get our money's worth. 

My parents are coming in for a visit this weekend (yay!) and I can't wait to take them to one of our favorite restaurants, Steel and Rye. The brunch menu looks to die for. 

Silas has started to slam his head repeatedly into things like walls, tabletops, and doors if he gets frustrated. Apparently it's a normal toddler phase. Half the time I can't help but laugh at his ridiculousness, and the other half, I'm afraid he's gonna concuss himself. 

Chris and I are taking our first overnight weekend away from Silas next month. I'm equal parts giddy excited and tummy-in-knots thinking about leaving him for three nights. Any tips for this nervous mama?

Since there's a big snowstorm coming in tonight, I'm planning on ordering groceries online through Peapod and having them delivered here tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll become addicted. 

I'm *this* close to buying a tablet and starting to explore the world of creating digital art, but this indecisive bone in me makes these kind of purchases really difficult. Do you have a tablet you love?

I'm dying to crack open a book again. I can't even remember the last book that I really got into. Give me your latest fiction recommendations! 

The Olympic opening ceremonies air on Friday night, and this commercial has me teary-eyed in anticipation. 

blog's down.

a hike in hawaii.