Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


Is there anything more cozy than a morning thunderstorm with candles lit and cuddly toddler doing puzzles by your side?
I can't think of much else. 

do I really have two more months left for this belly to grow?!
I got my first 'twins?' comment this weekend. 

anyone wanna come help with the million and one projects we have on our 'before baby comes' list?
laundry nook shelves, delia's room, organizing the heck out of our life...

how adorable are these tiny handmade baby girl dresses?!
that pink and gold polka dot one is headed my way!

will Delia have my dark complexion, or Chris and Silas' fair complexion?
I can't imagine a blonde girl in my family, but I can't wait to see! 

how did I just now buy my first pair of Saltwater sandals?! 
I'm in looove. First pair of sandals I've ever had that are absolutely comfy from day 1. 

what are your favorite toys for toddlers? 
Silas' birthday is in two weeks, and I'm pretty excited about the bike we're getting him. 

is there a comfier dress than this one from Asos
Answer: no. 

how many times is Si gonna drive his truck around the coffee table today?
We're currently at lap #46.  

what's for lunch?!
the real question of the day. 


her name.