Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

her name.

Her name is Delia Bea, and we can't wait to meet her!

The name Delia is one that has had a special place in my heart for a very long time. My dad's father's family moved to the US from a tiny town in Sicily, called Delia, many years ago. In college, I got to visit Sicily, and I still count the three days spent there among my most treasured. My cousin and I stayed in a tiny house overlooking the Sicilian countryside, and ate meals at tables full of distant family that counted us as some of their own, even despite language barriers. Even before my visit, I dreamt of naming my first daughter, Delia. This is our way of remembering my stubborn, sweet, grandfather-- his strong hands, tough demeanor, crinkly-eyed smile, and tight bear hugs.  

Even though you'd say the name of the town "DEH-lee-ah", we'll call her "DEEL-ya". You can read more about my time in Delia, Sicily here. 

Chris' maternal grandmother is named Beatrice, and Delia's middle name is a tribute to her. She's a sweet, feisty woman with a sharp mind and a love for Christ. When she pulls you in close to speak with you, you feel like she's spilling all kinds of juicy secrets. We share a common joy in painting (though her talent far exceeds my own) , and her beautiful artwork fills Chris' parents' home. I am so thankful that we have been able to take Silas to see her (and her amazing husband, Al) almost every visit to Maryland since he was tiny. This last visit is especially engrained in his head after he got to eat ice cream while sitting on their laps. We hope that Delia has the chance to visit with her sweet great-grand parents too. 

Silas has already nicknamed her Delia Bumblebee (though it comes out more like "LaLa Mum-o-bee") and I kind of hope he calls her that for the rest of his life.


wednesday night dates.