Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

wednesday night dates.

As the summer was just beginning, Chris and I sat down to look at our calendar, and we realized just how quickly the end of September (and the arrival of baby #2 ) would be here. At this point, we have no more than 10 weeks before a tiny baby girl joins the family, sending our schedules into disarray. So, we decided to make the most of this summer before things get crazy this fall.

Our neighbor's college-age daughter is home for the summer and we asked her to block off Wednesdays each week so we could sneak in some dates. Can I just tell you how old it makes me feel old to be paying a college girl to watch our toddler? Makes me feel even older when we get home by 9pm, and we're both beat. And then she says that she is going out with friends after that... yeah, just pass me the walking cane. 

So far, we haven't done anything wildly exciting, but the chance to get out on the town for just a few hours, do my hair and make-up, and chat with Chris sans interruptions has been priceless. For our first date, we scoped out a nearby marina and ate a casual Italian dinner on the docks. We watched the sunset reflect off the Prudential Center, and talked about everything under the sun. 

Last week, we ended up by the water again (surprise!), but this time we took the subway into town and ate in the Seaport district. On our anniversary weekend, we discovered a fabulous Asian fusion restaurant called Empire, and their spicy coconut thai scallop soup was calling my name, so I coerced Chris into eating there again. If you are around Boston, and haven't made it down to Fan Pier yet, you're definitely missing out on some beautiful views. 

Tonight, the weather looks a bit stormy, so we might just catch a movie, but either way, I'm already planning my outfit and looking forward to smooching Chris in between handfuls of popcorn. Plus, date nights are my sugar "cheat" nights, so I might even toss in some gummy bears while I'm at it. Wild, I know. 

Here's a list of some things we'd love to do on date nights future. Some ideas from our own 'bucket' list, and some snagged from my awesome IG followers' heads. 

Relax on the beach for a few hours with some good books and a picnic | see the Blue Man Group | explore around Castle Island | watch a movie at a luxury movie theater | Shakespeare in the Common | Fro-Yo | walk around IKEA | borrow a friend's boat | see Phantom of the Opera | grab some take-out and picnic in the Common | visit the North End (mostly for cannolis) | meet up with friends for a group date... 

Got any other great date night ideas? Have you done anything in Boston lately that we should definitely put on our list? 

her name.

ferry riding and island hopping.