Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

delia at four months... and a giveaway from Quail Lane Co!

I love writing out these update posts, mainly so I can look back on them as she grows. Since they're obviously not everyone's cup of tea, I'm excited to be partnering with some of my favorite baby brands each month this year! Scroll to the bottom for this month's giveaway! 

She's four months old today, this sweet girl. I could fill this post with cliches about not wanting her to grow a minute older, but the truth is, the older she gets, the more fun she is. I love seeing her laid-back, happy personality emerge more each day, and watching her discover how fascinating her fingers are, or how to make bubbles with her mouth. 

This morning, as I got dressed in the next room, I heard her slowly waking up, and when I peeked in on her, she was just gazing around her room, still swaddled up, cooing in the sweetest way. Her puffy cheeks have welcomed more kisses than a person can count, and I never thought someone's breath could smell so good. 

She seems to have no interest in rolling over, which I'm perfectly happy about. She still loves being swaddled, and rocking her in the crook of my arm that way is a sure way to get her droopy eyes to close. Her favorite person, hands down, is her big brother, and he's pretty fond of her too. Watching them start to play together is making all my mama dreams come true.

She slept through the night for about 6 weeks, but after coming back from being in Maryland for the holidays, she's waking up to feed more frequently. It's easier to just nurse her back to sleep, but I think we'll start working with her soon to make it through the night without feeding. She's still a much better sleeper than Silas was at her age, so I have no complaints! 

And because I couldn't decide which pictures to post, I'm gonna make you scroll through way too many shots of that sweet face to get to a super awesome giveaway below. 

Delia's first pair of shoes was this sweet red pair of moccs from Quail Lane Co. I'm so sad that she is already outgrowing hers. Butter soft, and superb quality, you will love their moccasins-- especially the oh-so-sweet bow moccasins!  Enter below to win a $40 shop credit to spend on your own littles!

And if you're impatient (like me!) head over to their site right now and take $10 off your entire order with the code HELLOHUE at checkout! The code expires on Sunday-- perfect timing for a Valentine's gift!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

cozy and well-prepared // an outfit post and giveaway from Lily Jade
