Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


hello there! 

I love partnering with small businesses, handmade shops and blogs through sponsorship! Offering sponsorships allows me to support and promote the creative, talented people behind these shops and blogs as well as provides the funds for me to place my own sponsorships on other blogs, which in turn brings in more traffic and potential customers for my sponsors!

Do you have an awesome shop or blog that you'd like to promote? Keep reading to find out more about sponsoring Hello Hue.

 the numbahs

Here are the stats:

As of January 19, Hello Hue has:: 

8.1k Instagram followers
2,487 Twitter followers
1,739 Pinterest followers
1,040 Facebook fans

... and growing, with an average of 25,395 monthly pageviews over the last three months.

Jan 18, 2015 // Featured as #7 of "43 Parents You Should Definitely Follow on Instagram" on Buzzfeed Life.
Mar 9, 2014 // Yellow Painted Bed DIY featured on Apartment Therapy's "Easy, Easier, Easiest"
Nov 1, 2013 // Home Tour featured on Life Made Lovely

What does a sponsorship get you?

As a sponsor of HelloHue, you'll have an ad on my left sidebar, where you'll get a chance to capture the eyeballs of close to 1,000 visitors each day. I will do my best to help promote your business by re-tweeting on Twitter and sharing on Facebook. If you have any special promotions you'd like me to help advertise, please email me!

For large ad sponsors, I'll pick one-three items from your shop to pin, (or posts from your blog!) each month.

Purchasing an ad spot

* I am not currently offering side bar ads, but please feel free to email about review and giveaway opportunities!* 

Below you'll find my "ad shop". You can purchase an ad directly by clicking "Buy". I'll review your brand and make sure we are a great fit before approving. Ads start as soon as they are approved by me.

Not sure if we're compatible? I love partnering with fresh, modern brands with great, quality products and beautiful product photography. Handmade shops are asked to have a filled out policies and profile page and at least 6-10 items in their shop, so we can assure that my readers have a complete shopping experience.

 If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at hellohueblog {at} I'd love to chat with you!

  reviews and product styling
If you think your product would look great on me or in my home, a product review could be just the thing to generate some great traffic. I welcome your inquiries and reserve the right to accept only those products that reflect my own style. Product reviews will be worked into my existing blog posts ( ie. outfit posts, home decor posts) and will include at least one mention on Instagram, and the option for a coupon code and/or giveaway. 

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.  I'll check out your shop/blog and see if we're a good fit and we'll go from there!

Affiliate  links

I work with RewardStyle, a company that allows me to make a small commission on products sold from links that I provide on my blog, Pinterest and Twitter. The great thing is that these are already products that I would link to, so it's a win-win. I get to introduce you to some of my favorite styles and sometimes I'll make a few bucks when you purchase something from my links. 



delia at four months... and a giveaway from Quail Lane Co!

closing doors.